Be Inspired PR

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5 Tips For Staying Connected With A Remote Team

No matter what industry you work in, if you are not an essential worker then you probably have had to learn how to work from home in the last several months. We know all too well how difficult it can be to stay connected with your team while working remote. Here at Be Inspired PR, we’ve been working remotely since March 2020! When you work in a collaborative industry, it’s important to find ways to stay connected, even when you’re no longer working together in person. With all of this in mind, we’re here today to help with our top 5 tips on how to stay connected with your team when you’re all working remotely.

Tip #1: Keep spirits up by connecting on non-work topics, too!

For Slack users, or any team using a form of instant messaging to stay in contact, start a lighthearted thread strictly for sharing non-work related news from funny memes, to positive news to keep the smiles coming! We have an internal Slack channel where we’re always sharing fun new content with each other, including podcasts we love, books to read, and recipes to try. This helps us all feel connected by continuing to share things that we would have talked about at the water cooler or at lunch when we were all working in an office space together!

Tip #2: Try a friendly competition!

Our favorite way to keep each other motivated is by hosting monthly staff workout challenges. Have employees submit their workouts via a Slack channel or group text, and keep track of everyone’s points. At the end of the month, the person with the most points wins a prize! We love doing these challenges as a way to stay connected and stay motivated to work out from home, too!

Tip #3: Keep your regular meetings on the calendar.

When we started working remotely last year, it was important to us to continue our regular routine from home, For us, that meant continuing to host our weekly staff meetings and PR team meetings. Even if they’re only for half an hour, having some face-to-face time with your coworkers will help things feel a little more normal and gives you back a little of the interaction you’re used to having when you’re all in the office together.

Tip #4: But… Don’t go overboard with meetings!

Keeping meetings short and sweet and only gathering the team when it’s really necessary is important to prevent Zoom burnout. It’s a real thing! Maintaining boundaries is important to ensure that your team feels independent and not overloaded with Zoom calls that prevent them from getting any real work done.

Tip #5: Get together when you can.

Last but not least, when it was safe to do so, it was important to us at Be Inspired PR to start gathering the team again for in-person bonding activities and work days. Whether you rent an office space for a day or just meet up at a coffee shop for a few hours, getting together in person is the best way to ensure that your team stays connected and maintains those important personal relationships with each other!

So, there you have it - Our 5 best tips on how to stay connected with a remote team! We hope this helps you as you embark on more remote work or a hybrid approach. For more business tips, browse our monthly blog posts where we’re always sharing new advice on PR strategies, social media ideas, and more.