3 Steps to The Perfect Pinterest Pin


We’ve waxed poetic about Pinterest on our social media blog before, and we’re here today to do it again! Pinterest can be such an important tool for your business, whether you’re a wedding photographer, an interior designer, or a nutritionist. The key is to think of Pinterest as a search engine, and to use it to drive traffic to your website. Through our social media management and Pinterest Revamp services, we’ve seen what works and what doesn’t work on Pinterest. We’re sharing 3 steps to the perfect Pinterest pin - Read on, and get ready to make the most of our (second!) favorite social media platform!

Step #1: Choose an eye catching image or graphic.

Now, this tip should go without saying, but all too often we’ve seen clients choose images that just won’t perform on Pinterest. The first thing to look for is a vertical image or graphic. Vertical content takes up more real estate on users’ pages, and therefore tends to perform much better than horizontal images. Next, look for something that’s bright, eye-catching, and includes unique details. If you’re using a graphic, make sure your tagline or headline is short and catchy. Here are examples of Pinterest imagery and graphics that do just that!

Best Pinterest Tips - Social Media Management Firm - Be Inspired PR

Step #2: Write a keyword-filled description.

The next step to the perfect pin is a strong description! Your pin description should include a few key things:

  • Keywords that describe the pin itself.

  • Keywords that describe your business.

  • Common Pinterest search terms that relate to your pin content.

The format you use is up to you! Whether you want to write a full description or just list out your keywords, use a format that is on-brand for your business. For our Pinterest Revamp clients, we typically use a different format every time based on their unique brand goals!

Best Pinterest Practices - Be Inspired PR

Step #3: Use a link that’s beneficial for your audience.

Once you’ve chosen your image and written your description, it’s time to link your pin to your website or social media! One mistake we see often is linking your pin to your homepage every single time. A better practice is to link your pin to a relevant page on your website or to a relevant post on your social media. When users click your pin, you want them to see value in where you’re sending them! While your homepage is fine for pins that promote your business as a whole, try linking to specific blog posts, recipes, or pages in your portfolio for more beneficial pins. Your audience will thank you for it!

So, there you have it! 3 steps to the perfect Pinterest pin. We hope this is helpful and leads to more success for your business on Pinterest. If you need help getting all of your recent work added to the platform, ask us about our Pinterest Revamp option! If ongoing Pinterest help sounds like a dream, you might be a great fit for our social media management services. Either way, get in touch with our social media team today for more info on how we can help build your Pinterest presence and start driving more traffic to your website today.


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